Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tuesday, January 11, 2011 - 1 comment

Parallel brides: for some families in Turkey, matchmaking is an intricate dance

Really interesting article on the custom of "berdel," common in southeastern Turkey. Precise rules and conditions govern over a bride-swap between two families. (re-poseted from bnet.com)

It is a bright Sunday in the tiny Arab village of Lower Arbit in southeastern Turkey. Cheerful melodies issue from a cassette player powered by a tractor battery. I watch as Nuri and Turkan, brother and sister, join the snaking line of the halay dance in front of their house, over which flies a Turkish flag. Meanwhile, a few miles away, in the village of Mengalan, a similar scene must be unfolding for Mehmet and Feride, who are also brother and sister. All four are to be wed today: Nuri to Feride, and Mehmet to Turkan. ... Read more....


Hello! My beautiful friend Amy Spahr sent me your blog. I am doing a daily photo post for 2011. http://rens2011dailysnapshot.blogspot.com/

I just know I am going to enjoy following your posts!