Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 - No comments

Grapenuts roasting on an open fire....

Apparently everyone but us was aware that it was "National Pekmez Making Week" last week. While we were in Cappadocia, everywhere we went we found old ladies bent over huge cast iron "cauldrons" stirring their sticky brew. Pekmez (grape molasses) is a breakfast favourite around here, and when it's time to harvest the grapes, everyone rolls up their sleeves and gets boiling. While exploring the little town of Belisirma, we happened upon a family in the middle of the process and they invited us in to watch, learn, and of course taste. :)

They showed us how they first crush the grapes in a bath-like vat made of stone, and then boil them for six or more hours over the fire. Then they dump the now considerably condensed mixture into a bucket to cool before pouring it into a jar to be stored in the cellar or sold at the market. The whole family was involved in the process and they were so sweet to let us be a part of their tradition!