Saturday, May 29, 2010

Saturday, May 29, 2010 - No comments

Road Trip Chronicles, Chapter One

13 days, 2451 km, 24 gas station toilets and a whole lot of almonds and Magnum Bars later, we are the proud accomplishers of a successful road trip. Family gatherings, follow-ups with curious friends and sheer wanderlust took us from our home on the Mediterranean (well, sort of) to blue Aegean, up to the Black Sea, and back again, and I have to say, I am more in love with my country than I was when I left!

One million miles starts with a step or two, or so they say, and the same goes for a road trip, and a road-trip-chronicling-blog. My tendency is to wait til I have edited all the pics and "have time" (ha!) to write, but instead I'm gonna dive in and take the first step of getting this blog rolling tonight. Thus begins my account of our cross-country meanderings. Stay tuned!


You're guaranteed to always have matching clothes when everything you own is the same colour!

The Google Maps plan wasn't as flawless as we'd hoped, being that most of the streets in this country don't have street signs.....still, in the end, we always got where we were going.

Whether you're in the mood for Jack Johnson, Bill Johnson or John Lennon, battery=operated iPod speakers on the road are a wonderful thing. (We sometimes used the pluggy-in thingy, but since the cigarette lighter is broken, I had to balance the whole deal on my knee, which got tiring sometimes.)

Have Frenchpress-CaffeVerona-sugarcubes-powderedmilk-helpfulgasstationattendantswithhotwater, will travel!